Jeremy anticipated he would be able to earn extra money during the two weeks over the Christmas holidays. He had happily signed up to cover shifts at the gym for college students who had gone home. It had also become a tradition for him to show off his baking skills at home; for the last several years he had been recruited to make the holiday cookies and treats for friends who his mother wanted to thank. A combination of family recipes, sisterly assistance and maternal supervision produced results that had improved each year since he was 13.



An additional, unplanned meeting took place at the Studz Club on a side street near the famed Merchandise Mart. Garin McManus had stopped by the gym Tuesday evening to arrange a meeting for Thursday at 10:00 a.m. He gave Jeremy the required W-4 and I-9 forms to fill out and a club promotional brochure with the address so he could find his way. Garin said to go around to the stage door at the side and buzz for entry.


A cold front had moved into the city and the weather forecasters predicted a possible three inches of snow for the Southside and the communities that dotted an area close to the lake as far as Indiana. Near North and the Northside were only expecting light flurries. Jeremy was always amazed that metro Chicago - Chicagoland to the dramatically charged journalists - could have such a variance of weather. A blast of wind hit him while he waited for the train on the El platform. Jeremy was a veteran of the CTA and happily realized that the commute between his neighborhood and the heavily trafficked Mart exit would be fast and safe, regardless of the time of night.


Happier still was his discovery of the club's location as he arrived at his new place of employment on West Kensie. It was only two blocks from the train stop. He stood in front of the old brick building - home to the Studz Barecats - and looked at the billboards displayed in the glass-protected cases mounted on either side of the canopied entrance. Each dancer, in a different character costume, wore a stylized eye mask. Without much imagination, a person on the street could figure out that the costumes would eventually be discarded during the show. One dancer wore a blazer with a crest on the pocket, shirt with loose tie, gray pants, horn-rimmed glasses and had a pencil behind his ear. 'This must be the Joe College character,' he decided. Jeremy thought the photo was generic enough so it probably didn't need to be replaced. An image of a masked Garin in leather was in the last case he studied before he turned the corner to find the stage door.


Jeremy pushed a button next to the heavy, metal door and looked up at the dark plastic shield that protected a camera. A buzz sounded and a crackling voice came over a speaker. "Come on in and take the stairs. I'll meet you up in the office."


"Thanks, Garin. I'll be right up," Jeremy said into the box as he opened the door. Once inside, he found the stairway. He noticed a cramped stage layout ahead that was lit by only one bare, glaring light bulb on a floor stand. 'Probably there isn't a need for much scenery,' he thought with a silent laugh as he climbed up one flight to the office. Once past the doorway, the office appeared to be not much more than a large room with a couple of desks, a computer workstation, several file cabinets, a fax machine, copier and several telephones. In the corner, he noticed a separate computer with a screen divided into several separate pictures showing various locations inside and outside of the building.


"Welcome to your new home away from home," Garin said. "Nothing plush up here but it works. We save the decorating money for the club spaces." He stood up from his desk seat and continued, "Please sit down. You have the forms filled out?"


"In my hot, sweaty hand. Plus some I.D. if ya wanna copy them." Jeremy grinned and handed him an envelope containing payroll and immigration forms. He took off his coat and placed it on a side chair.


"'ve been through this drill before. I'll copy your social security card and driver's license. That'll make everything complete. The office manager just left for the bank and will be gone about a half an hour." Garin took the two cards and photocopied them. "As soon as I get the copying finished, I'll give you a fast tour. Charlie will be here in about a half-hour and I thought we'd all go out for an early lunch after we finish. You free to do that?"


"Yep. Don't have to be at work until later this afternoon." Jeremy looked over at one wall and studied a group of framed headshot portraits of 20 or so men under a sign that stated, Our Family. Most of the faces were A& F model quality and represented a limited racial mix: most were Caucasian.


"I see you noticed the family photos. I've set up a photo shoot for you next week after you and Charlie take care of a few cosmetic details," Garin said with a wink. "By the way, the family includes the office manager, box office, security, lighting, sound's an expensive operation."


"Photo shoot?"


"Yes, with your costume and various shots of you in a thong. The face is always protected with a small mask for confidentiality and there are no nude shots. The costumed photos will be part of our website. The others will only be available to potential private party clients with a special code. Just business marketing...that's all."


"What if they want to see more?"


"Not going to happen. Well, unless they want to pay some major bucks for a private interview...and then only to see your face. As I told you last week, nudity on the net or at the club is not part of the program. And if a dancer decides to moonlight by modeling on a porn site, we part company." Garin returned the I.D. cards and placed all the forms and photocopies on a desk. "Come on. I'll show you around."


They walked back to the ground floor and Garin explained the uncomplicated setup. The dressing room consisted of a long counter with a mirror, several seats and a cluster of small lockers. The opposite wall opened up to several racks that stored the costumes. An adjoining room contained a plain but clean lounge with a television set and an adjoining restroom.


"The timing isn't too difficult. The only rush is starting the first act after the chorus line opening and from the last act to the finale. There's a stage manager who keeps the pace of the show flowing and depends on all the dancers to take care of their own costume changes. The format is very organized, like a train schedule. The lighting and music are all very rehearsed. It's up to us to create spontaneity on the stage and make sure the $25.00 has been worth it for the audience."


"Wow, that's an expensive ticket. I didn't realize it was that much," Jeremy said.


"This is a first class production and we have a great reputation for quality. Our show runs an hour forty-five and we mingle in the lobby afterwards to autograph programs for half an hour, tops. On Saturday, the two shows are timed so that we can move the crowds out and in pretty smoothly." Garin walked back out to the backstage and turned on the house lights.


"What kind of crowds?" Jeremy was intrigued with this insider view of this business. He looked around at the 'theater' and followed Garin out onto the runway that ran almost the full length of the large room.


"300 seats on the first floor. Look up and you'll see that we have six small party room boxes. They're ideal for bachelorette parties of 16 or less. Or, stag parties for the gay guys. Here's where it gets a little complicated. Each box is guaranteed a ten-minute visit by a dancer twice during the evening. But we get primo rental and the tips are fantastic. There's a security guy to make sure no one, and I mean no one, gets out of control. As long as everyone has fun and the laws are obeyed, it's great for all parties concerned."


"Whoa, this is really something else." Jeremy looked out into the empty seats and tried to imagine the frenzy that resulted from the guys' performances. "And they're all crowding around the stage to tip the dancers?"


"No. Probably 40% of the crowd gets into it during the evening. You'll notice that the spaces between the rows are wider than a movie theater. That's because I want an easy access to the runway. I hope you've been doing squats in your workouts cuz you'll be doing that a lot for the ladies tips," Garin said with a laugh.


"Probably should add more squats to my..."


"Hey, Garin. Sorry I'm a little late. I had some research at the library that ran a little longer than I thought."


Jeremy turned and saw the young, preppy guy in a parka walk towards them. 'This must be Charlie,' he thought. 'He looks familiar...I can't quite place him.'


"Come over here and meet Jeremy Sloan. Our new Joe College."


"Should I call you Joe or Jeremy?" Charlie asked with a smile, as he took off the heavy coat and tossed it on a chair.


"Jeremy's just fine." He shook Charlie's extended hand and added, "I really...wait, I do know you...but not by Charlie. You're Chuck Barnett and were in my sister's class."


",'re Naomi Sloan's little brother, aren't you? I dated her...jeez, when we were 16. You're a couple of years younger? Yeah. Jeremy Sloan...I remember kid. You're not so little any more and definitely not a kid. Welcome to the family." Charlie walked closer and gave Jeremy a close, friendly hug. "I dropped Chuck in favor of Charlie when I first joined Garin. There was another 'Chuck' at the time and it was simpler to have a different name. I just kinda changed over to Charlie. All of my classmates at Northwestern know me as Charlie."


"Then Charlie Barnett, it is. I understand that you're going to show me the ropes and get me squared away?" Jeremy asked. He remembered really liking the guy when he had dated his sister almost four years earlier. The icing was that Charlie had thought he was cool as a kid.


"That's the deal. I hope you're not a modest guy? We're going to get to know each other very well."


"He understands everything and is agreeable. I know this is a busy period for everyone with the holidays but I need Joe College ready for a photo shoot a week from today. Can we get this accomplished? I've got reserved time with the studio for 10:00 a.m. next Thursday. Jeremy, you need to block two hours for the photographer."


"That means he and I need a little personal grooming time the day after Christmas. I'm primarily studying and working a few private night gigs next week," Charlie said. "If we have enough time, we can accomplish everything and do a little touch up the next day...before the shoot."


"I'm available in the mornings or after my shift at 9:00 p.m." Jeremy wished that he hadn't obligated himself for the extra shifts at Bally's but that had been scheduled before this became a reality.


"Then why don't we meet the morning after Christmas at my apartment to do what Garin wants done and meet for a follow-up late on Wednesday night? I don't have to work that night and we can get any of the places we missed the first go around. And since we're going to be buddies, you can help me out so I look sharp for the weekend."


Charlie's reassuring, confident smile silently communicated trust all the way to his eyes, Jeremy thought. Whatever concerns he had as a 'newbie' in this new adventure were calmed. With only two years in age separating the guys, Jeremy felt they could become friends.


"It's settled. Why don't you give Jeremy a more thorough tour down here while I go upstairs and sign the payroll? Find me at 11:15 and we'll go someplace around here for an early lunch."


The two younger men watched Garin walk back to the rear of the stage and disappear behind the dark, velvet curtains. For the next half-hour, Charlie gave his charge a complete inspection of the Studz Club. Before finding Garin for lunch, they exchanged telephone numbers and addresses. Charlie's apartment was in Wrigleyville and easily accessible by bus.




Jeremy was very jumpy early in the morning the day after Christmas. He was through his third cup of coffee when he realized it was time to go meet Charlie. Naomi was able to stay with their mother so that he could get away. When she asked about his early schedule, he just mumbled something about work. 'How do I tell my sister I'm going over to the apartment of a former boyfriend of hers so I can have my ass crack shaved?' Jeremy wondered.


The ride over to Charlie's place was quick and Jeremy found the address three blocks north of Wrigley Field with no difficulty. It was a typical Chicago garden apartment building. He breathed deeply and pressed the security buzzer.


"Come on up to the second floor and turn right. I'll meet ya outside my door," came Charlie's voice. A click unlatched the door.


"Got it." Jeremy walked inside the tiled entry and up the newly carpeted stairs. He told himself not to get so worked up. 'It's just some hair removal and only two buddies helping out each other. If I get wood, I'm sure it's not going to be anything that hasn't happened before,' he thought as he arrived on the second floor. He unzipped his coat and looked to the right.


"Down here," Charlie said with a wave from the third doorway. He wore a baggy pair of gym shorts and a Wildcats sweatshirt. His unshaven face did not detract - it only emphasized his masculinity.


"Hey, Charlie," Jeremy replied. As he approached the man standing shoeless in stockings, Jeremy noticed his legs were muscular but smooth. He judged they were both about the same Anglo-American coloring in skin and hair: typical, wispy light brown hair, fair skin and a ruddy complexion.


"I figured that I didn't have to get dressed up." Charlie closed the apartment door behind them and added, "Celebrated a late Christmas dinner with the family last night and decided to sleep in this morning. 'Bout the only thing I've accomplished so far is to brush my teeth and make coffee. Wanna cup?" He yawned and scratched his stomach as he walked into the kitchen. "Toss your coat on a chair."


"I'm pretty wired right now. Maybe just some water?" Jeremy noticed the compact space was spartan but well coordinated in black, gray and grayish-beige colors. Rather than having a table in the dining area, Charlie had set up an L-shaped desk/computer workstation, filing cabinet and bookshelves.


"Grab a bottle in the fridge, would ya? I need one more shot of coffee and I'm good for the day. Then we can talk a little."


The two guys silently went about getting their beverages. Jeremy followed Charlie and joined him in the living room sitting area. Charlie sat on a black leather couch and Jeremy eased into a large, matching easy chair. The seating was arranged around a massive, glass-topped coffee table.


"This is my combination entertainment center, living space and dining room," Charlie said. "It works fine if I eat in." He gestured to the coffee table before leaning back and propping up his feet on the edge of the thick glass.


"You got a great place." Jeremy was a little envious of someone not that much older than he having an apartment. "Your computer and study area is neat."


"Just moved in last summer before school. I spent my freshman year living at home...but that sucks after a while. So when the folks sold our house and moved out to the 'burbs, I took the opportunity to get this place. I didn't want to live in the Phi Delt house or the dorms."


"Phi Delt?" Jeremy wasn't sure what he'd heard.


"Phi Delta Theta. It's the fraternity I pledged. Neat guys. But I figured that with this part-time job, it would be best if I lived off-campus. The hours are goofy and I'd always be explaining why I couldn't go out with them on weekend nights. As you know, weekends will be very busy." Charlie took a sip of coffee and added, "You wanna talk about this new job before we, um, you know...? I can give you the perspective of someone who was in your shoes about a year ago."


"Yeah, I'd like that. Just so long as I'm outta here all spruced up by noon," Jeremy said with a bashful grin.


"Cool. I've got a friend coming over to do some studying 'bout that time."






























































































































































































「去年の夏、新学期が始まる前に引っ越したばっかりなんだ。1年生の時は家から通ってたんだけど…うんざりしちゃって。親が家を売って郊外に引っ越した時にここに住むことに決めたんだ。Phi Deltにも寮にも住みたくなかったから。」



Phi Deltって?」ジェレミーは何を言われたのかよく分からなかった。




Phi Delta Thetaだよ。僕のフラタニティ。みんな良い奴だけど、こういうバイトしてるからキャンパスに住むのは不便だと思ってさ。時間が不規則だし、週末にみんなと遊べないのに一々言い訳するの面倒だしね。聞いてるだろ?週末はショーで忙しいんだよ。」チャーリーはコーヒーを啜ると付け加えた。「その…あれする前に少し仕事の話をする?僕も1年前にこの仕事始めたばかりの頃は、君と同じ立場だったしね。」

















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